Julian TszKin Chan, PhD

Principal and Lead Data Scientist, Bates White Economic Consulting

Email: julian.chan [AT] policychangeindex.org

Website: https://sites.google.com/site/ctszkin/

Julian TszKin Chan is a Principal and Lead Data Scientist in the Finance practice at Bates White Economic Consulting. He has significant experience conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses in support of expert economic testimony, including econometric modeling, Monte Carlo simulation, damages estimation, statistical sampling, and processing big data. Dr. Chan is an experienced researcher with interests in applying econometric, big data, machine learning and natural-language processing methods to analyze economic phenomena, including questions related to social networks, social media, and cryptocurrencies.

Weifeng Zhong, PhD

Senior Advisor, America First Policy Institute

Affiliated Scholar, Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Email: weifeng.zhong [AT] policychangeindex.org

Website: https://www.weifengzhong.com

Weifeng Zhong serves as a Senior Advisor for the Office for Fiscal and Regulatory Analysis at the America First Policy Institute and an Affiliated Scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He has over a decade of experience applying data analytics and artificial intelligence to policy questions. Zhong received his Ph.D. in managerial economics and strategy at Northwestern University and, before joining AFPI, was a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and Mercatus. His work has been featured in media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg, NPR, Foreign Affairs, and Lawfare. He’s also a frequent interview guest on BBC, C-SPAN, and Fox Business, among others.

External contributors


The views expressed in the publications by Julian TszKin Chan, Weifeng Zhong, and the other contributors to this project, including but not limited to research papers and commentaries, are solely those of their own and do not represent the views of the America First Policy Institute, Bates White, Leidos, the Mercatus Center, Gear Factory, or their other employees.